Eating disorders require a consistent plan from both family and educational establishments to help get back on track. This is because there is often a specific eating plan and either a no-exercise or an exercise reduction plan in place. Being able to put practical measures into place that mirror what is being carried out at home or by the treatment team is an essential step. In addition, there may be particular stressors at school/college/university (such as certain friendships or high stress over exams) that may need to be managed too.
Bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder also pose medical and psychological challenges at school/college/university. Most students with an eating disorder will have high levels of anxiety, specifically in social or performance situations, whilst those students with bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder might also present with high levels of depression and low self-esteem.
Keeping students with eating disorders safe at school/college/university requires joint planning, knowing danger signs, working out how to bring up concerns, and managing academic ambitions realistically. This is because health will always be more important to treat over and above academic achievement.